Friday, October 24, 2008

.: Pan Mee DiNneR :.

on the 1st week of my class....hehehe....i made.....home made PanMee for dinner...hehehe...keng ler made it from scratch !!!!
when was that?? was a Thursday nite...on the 9th October 2008...
By the way..PanMee is a kind of noodle...some call it the *flat noodle*..

Hehehe....before beginning with making the talked to my Aunt back in confirm the ingredients of the dough..and lucky me..i am on the right track..hehehehe....

so how from scratch is it???...well...from flour...egg...water...oil...salt...all raw ingredients...even till me myself also cant believe that i actually did we need for a homemade PanMee...with soup??...we need the dough...fried salted anchovies..fried challots...some veges...minced marinated pork...and also the anchovies base soup...hehehe...

trust me..making the dough is not easy took me about 45 minutes to finally finish the dough...and it's really hard work...started from only flour with eggs...then added some oil...salt n water..and start's a good exercise though...after done with the dough...let it to aside for like 1 that the PanMee will taste we Chinese that it will taste "QQ"...hehehehe....and at the mean make the minced pork...chop n minced the pork...then marinate it with a bit of soy sauce, sesame oil and corn flour...then let it of things to the way..these pork are to be dump into the soup n boiled together...hehehehe..

anyway...i managed to get all the preparation work done on time..and by the time Chia and Kart come home..they just start tearing the PanMee into slices n throw into the here it does my Pan Mee looked like...from the beginning...the process and the result..hehehe.....

.:the dough..being torn into a fish-like shape..and with bubble too..hehe:.

.:fried add more sizzle to the PanMee:. in process:.
.:tearing the dough into thin bite-size slices of PanMee:.
.:Chia..wat are you trying to do???:.
.:Kart's Smiley Face PanMee...hehe...this before being cooked:.
.:After...Smiley Face become *mata sepet* already...hahahaha:.
.:with PanMee..of cos we cant miss veges...must eat healthy ma..hehe:.
.:Ta-Da...the PanMee!!!:.
.:PanMee with friedn anchovies and pork:.

This is my first time making PanMee...and the result is...yay!! SuCceSsfuL !!!!!
Back in Malaysia..i always help my Aunt or Mom tear the dough...and this is my first time...very first time making and cooking it from scratch...kekeke...
so the happy...

sorry for the very late post...
cos..had been really very very busy....since class start....
there are so many homeworks n presentations to do.....lots n lots of group meetings...tonnes n tonnes of research to do...and it is still piling me!!!

anyway...enjoy my's pictures!!!!


enricoooo said...

hahaha, talking about pan mee, i did something similar today. i made pasta.

the result come out not as good as fresh pasta, but 99.9% like our chinese oan mee. then i didnt cook it the italian way, but chinese style. lol

* §ΰйпιΞ ☼ Śђάи * said...

so u made the chinese style pasta...instead if the italian one..not bad style pasta..heheheh...

hmm...but u made the pasta from scratch??...from flour, eggs, salt etc jus like me??....or u jus bought some pasta and cook it??..ti's different you know...heheheh...

Hinky Pinky is back! said...

wow...after I saw ur picture yesterday I went to eat pan mee for my lunch! lol it really looked delicious!! Bravo!

enricoooo said...

yes, i made it with flour and egg. 1 egg per 100g flour. , no water added and no salt also.

this is the first time i made fresh pasta, but i always cook those packaging pasta, wanna see how much different they will have.